
Mazingira Challenge

Charity brings to life again those who are spiritually dead.

Thomas Aquinas

This is an annual event that aims at creating awareness and promoting synergy among stakeholders with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals. Through partnerships, the event focuses on bringing out innovative ways of addressing the SDGs while providing a platform through which partners can identify and support critical development issues in society. The event is built on a partnership between youths in institutions of higher learning – through quizzes and competition, community members, corporates, and county governments. It will involve a series of competitions among university students based on specific themes to promote innovation.

The Mazingira Challenge project is one for the youth who are passionate about making a difference and are creative enough to develop these solutions. It is a platform for the youths to showcase their innovations and knowledge about the environment for a chance to win and start a life-changing experience in environmental conservation. Mazingira Challenge aims to create sustainable communities by supporting the development of youth-generated innovative ideas that address local sustainability and water-related issues.

The Challenge involves the collaborative participation of all the universities in the country as its students innovate solutions for current environmental problems then battle it out in the national competition.

Inuka foundation